Customer feedback

Customer feedback

I am very touched to read what my energyartworks do in you and your rooms.
Feel free to write me your personal feedback.
I look forward to your E-Mail

Dear Ramona,

When I looked at your exhibition, I found myself in a very emotional transition. I loved sharing my feelings and experiences with you and as if your own support wasn't enough, you brought me together with an artwork that reflected my exact emotional state.

"Flow of Courage" was born out of my soul. I thought for a long time about whether I wanted to have a completely individual artwork from you - but in the end I knew that it had already existed for a long time.

Now this wonderful artwork of my transformation has a very special place in my rooms. Every day it shows me the progress I have already made.

Dear Ramona,
Thank you so much for this beautiful artwork and for the daily support it gives me. ❤️

Dear Ramona,

I was sure that I wanted to buy one of your artworks, but I wanted to wait until there was one that wouldn't let me go. I had ideas about it, it should be big, colorful and definitely not blue. You were there when I saw it for the first time. At the IKMZ exhibition in Cottbus, it was the one that immediately captivated me. It wasn't hard to tell from my "Boah, wait a minute, I have to take a step back!" that this artwork "did something to me". It was an indescribable moment. Today it hangs on my wall, as blue as can be, and I still discover new features that fascinate me and am reminded every time of the power that lies within me.

Thank you so much my dear, your miracle artwork came just in time. Here's to many more wonderful works that fill people with happiness and love 🥰

All the love to you


Feedback Kunstausstellung Ramona Engelmann

Dear Ramona,

Thank you so much for this heartfelt tour of your exhibition.
I was greeted by artworks full of light. Each artwork had its own theme and also addressed a theme in me.
Emotions of pure love, gratitude and joy came up in me. Words can hardly describe it.
I was completely in my being, with myself. I no longer perceived time and space.
I had the feeling that the artworks were partly interacting with me. They became even brighter and more luminous as I looked at them, more and more details came to light, inviting me to linger and appealing to something inside me, touching my soul. Some artworks wouldn't let go of me, were still waiting for my retrospective gaze from afar. It is hard to describe.
The time flew by. After the guided tour, I felt full of positive energy beyond my head. I felt so much gratitude, love and connection.
I was smiling the whole day.
Thank you so much for this, my dear Ramona!

Best wishes


Thank you for the lovely feedback on the "Open Studio Days":

Tage des offenen Ateliers Ramona Engelmann

Dear Ramona,

ich möchte mich ganz herzlich bei Dir für Deine wundervollen Herzenswerke bedanken, die denke ich bei mir im Herzen angekommen sind und mir ganz viel Kraft und Energie und positive Gedanken geben und einen wertvollen und sehr geschätzten Platz bei mir für immer haben werden.

Deine Werke begleiten mich glaube ich in meiner schönsten und intensivsten Phase meines Lebens und stehen dafür, dass ich mich selbst gefunden habe und dabei bin mich zu entdecken, für meine Stärke, meinen Mut, meine vielen Facetten, mein Selbstbewusstsein, für meine Träume in den schillerndsten Farben, für meine Liebe, meine Güte, mein Herz und für alles was mir im Leben wichtig ist. In der Form bist Du ein ganz großer Teil und ich bin sehr dankbar Dich kennen gelernt zu haben weil Du mich in dieser neuen Phase meines Lebens bestärkst und mir Kraft gibst und das nicht nur durch Deine Werke sondern auch durch Deine Persönlichkeit.

Ich habe in mir und auch räumlich ein zu Hause gefunden und freue mich jedes Mal jetzt umso mehr nach Hause zu kommen weil ich einen Ort der Magie und Harmonie gefunden habe wo ich so sein kann wie ich bin, mich entspannen und deine Werke anschauen kann, die mir Kraft geben in Momenten wo ich zweifle und mich immer daran erinnern werden wer ich bin und wie ich diesen Weg gegangen bin und so wie Deine Bilder jetzt strahlen kann, weil ich es geschafft habe glücklich zu werden. Hab herzlichen Dank und mach weiter. Es ist genau richtig wie du denkst und ich glaube man wird sich noch sehr lange an Dich erinnern. Du schaffst bleibende Erinnerungen und das nicht nur für mich. Danke dass ich ein Teil Deines Lebens sein und Deinen Weg begleiten darf.

In deep connection
Yours A. ❤️

Dear Ramona,

I have your beautiful artwork "Powerful Silence" hanging right in my living room. Every day I am happy to enter the room. You look directly at the artwork when you come in. I like the choice of colors and the energy that transports the artwork. Many of your artworks pull you right into its spell, so that you can lose yourself directly, that I love your artworks very much!
I will treasure this artwork.

Feel hugged ♥️

Dear Ramona.

Both artworks fill my living room with tranquility and also draw my gaze to them in the process. I also enjoy looking at them, diving into their "worlds" and discovering something new there again and again and experiencing joy.
They are an incredible addition that greatly enhance my living room both visually and energetically and I am so happy and grateful that they found their way to me. 🙏🏻

🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼I love this artwork ...

I sink into it ... it refuels me ... it is divine😌💞