Exhibitions & Contact

Exhibitions & Contact

If you would like to meet me and my art,
you have several options.


To stay up to date and not miss any news, please subscribe to my newsletter!
With invigorating impulses and exclusive insights, I will take you into the wonderful world of color.
Be inspired and learn more about me and my art!

I look forward to your Registration

Social media

Facebook & Instagram – Business
Follow me on Facebook and Instagram

Facebook group - private
Become a member of my protected community on Facebook 

I look forward to
our contact and exchange!

Soziale Medien Ramona Engelmann
Ausstellung IKMZ


You would like to see my energyartworks in real life?
Then you are welcome to visit my current exhibitions.
You will feel - a photo always remains a photo. The full power of my energyartworks unfolds when you stand directly in front of them. The longer you connect with my artworks, the more you will recognize in them.
Feel the energy that shows itself to you. Immerse yourself in my colors of light.

Here you can find my current

Miete mein Atelier für Dein Event

Du suchst einen kraftvollen Raum für Dein eigenes Event?
Sei es z.B. für Soundhealing, kreative Seminare, Meditationen – der Kreativität sind keine Grenzen gesetzt.
Mein Atelier bietet ausreichend Platz für solche Events und meine Werke freuen sich, Dich zu unterstützen.
Spüre die kraftvolle Energie in meinen Räumen und bring Dein Event zum Leuchten.

Ich freu mich auf Deine Anfrage

Neues Atelier Ramona Engelmann


If you have any questions or are interested in my offers, please contact me by email or enter your details in the form!